Enjoy free shipping on all orders, no matter where you are!

We deliver to all global addresses at no cost to our customers. Products from our store are dispatched directly from our distribution centers to the address provided during checkout. Shipments may originate from our centers in Brazil or Canada, and soon form USA, China, India, Taiwan, Turkey, Philippines, and Israel. Delivery times range from 7 to 25 business days after dispatch. Your order will be shipped promptly following payment confirmation and logistical processing.

Attention to Data Accuracy:

Marvelous Bay ensures products are shipped to the address provided at the time of purchase. To avoid delivery issues, please fill in your shipping address carefully. Customers are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. Marvelous Bay is not liable for any delivery issues arising from incorrect address entries. If a product is not delivered due to an address error, a new product will only be sent with a new purchase.

For any questions about your order or tracking inquiries, please email us with your order number at
Our team is here to help!